Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

Hello lovelies!  I hope your New Year's Eve celebrations were fun and festive!  Since 2012 is finally here, I am giving some thought to how to improve and move forward from what was in 2011.  Like many out there, I'm not a fan of New Year's Resolutions as I can never seem to complete them!  Instead, I found this New Year's Questionnaire here and I thought I could fill this out instead and it would help me both remember 2011 and guide me in 2012.

1. What did you do in 2011 that you have never done before?
I started a blog! I've been wanting to FOREVER and I finally took the plunge and did it. I'm still getting a hang of things but it's been pretty cool thus far.

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2012?
No and no. The only resolution I kept from 2011 was to lose weight (Esposito and I lost a collective 40+ pounds this summer) and while I'm happy with that achievement, there were many others I wanted to accomplish (and still want to) that I didn't. But rather than set myself up for failure in saying that this is the year, I'm just going to make a list of things I want to change and tackle them little by little.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2011?
It seems like everyone did! At least four friends that I can think of welcomed new bundles of joy as well as Esposito's two sisters (our first nieces!).

4. Did anyone close to you die in 2011?
Thankfully, no.

5. What countries did you visit in 2011?
Mexico (twice - Mexico City), Colombia (twice - Bogota), Venezuela (twice - Caracas), Trinidad, Dominican Republic (twice - Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata), and Canada (Toronto). And it was actually a slow travel year for me. In the U.S., I visited Illinois (twice - Chicago), Iowa (Des Moines and Cedar Rapids) and Massachusetts (twice - Boston).

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
Financial freedom.

7. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
November 15, for personal reasons.

8. What was your biggest struggle in 2011?
Dealing with a difficult work environment that seemed to permeate the rest of my life. Sometimes having a career is draining, and I envy those that just have jobs and don't let their work define them. That said, in the good times, having a career is much more rewarding than just a job, even if I have to continue reminding myself of that right now.

9. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2011?
For someone who rarely gets sick, or at least rarely let's illness stop her, I had a difficult year healthwise with one emergency room visit and a lot of dental work. Thankfully everything has been worked out (minus the bills!).

10. What was the best thing you bought in 2011?
I've been addicted to my "crackberry" for years and resisted the move to the Iphone until late this year. While I still miss my blackberry, I can't deny that (for certain things) the Iphone is totally awesome.  The worst think I bought was a netbook for work that then got stolen on a work trip.

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Can't really think of anyone. Everyone has behaved as I expected them to. No one really stands out.

12. Whose behavior disappointed you?
Certain people at work. But I guess I expected that as well.

13. Where did most of your money go?
I attended four baby showers and three weddings this year, so a big chunk of it went to gifts and related expenses. Other than that, I have no idea. Sad day. Must stop shopping, eating and drinking!

14. What did you get really really excited about in 2011?
Seeing my sisters graduate from college and high schools and begin their adult lives.

15. What song will always remind you of 2011?
The first thing that comes to mind is "Ni**as in Paris" by Jay-Z and Kanye West. There may be a better song that I'm not thinking of, however.  Maybe it's Pitbull's "Give Me Everything."  Or Pitbull in general.

16. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer?
No, no and no. But I am more aware and in tune with myself, my desires and my needs.

17. What do you wish you had done more of?
Travel (for pleasure)!

18. What do you wish you had done less of?
Complain. Complaints without action are useless.

19. Did you fall in love in 2011?
Yes. I've fallen more and more in love every year since 2004.

20. What was your favorite TV Program in 2011?
I want to say Sarah's House, or any of the Sarah Richardson shows, on HGTV. I also had a great time watching American Idol and The Voice.

21. What was the best book you read in 2011?
Bossypants comes to mind, but probably because it was the last thing I read. I'd like to get into reading more though I read a lot for work so I've generally exhausted my mental capacity by 5pm!

22. What was your greatest musical discovery in 2011?
Not sure.

23. What did you want and get?
An Ipad and I got it for my birthday. A monogram necklace and I got it for Christmas. Of course, there's a lot of things I wanted and didn't get as well.

24. What was the best movie you saw in 2011?
I can't think of one off the top of my head as nothing I saw stands out. Perhaps Midnight in Paris?

25. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?

On my 27th birthday, I painted my kitchen during the day, and had a dinner and movie date with Esposito in the evening.

26. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
Compensation commesurate with my professional work and achievements.

27. How would you describe your personal fashion statement in 2011?

I've been getting more and more into fashion lately so I would say incorporating trends with my traditionally more professional/classic attire.

28. What kept you sane in 2011?
The dogs and Esposito and one co-worker in particular.

29. What celebrity did you fancy the most?
Kate Middleton, hands down.

30. Who did you miss in 2011?
I constantly surround myself with those I love and are important to me.

31. Who were the best new people you met in 2011?
A friend of a friend's at a friend's baby shower!

32. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011:
Despite all your best efforts, life doesn't go according to your plan; it goes to it's own plan. (NOTE: this was on the questionnaire when I found it. But it's a good one so I'm keeping it).

How about you?  Do you make any resolutions?  I'd love to hear what you are resolving to achieve in 2012.

1 comment:

Ruby Claire said...

Happy New Year to you and ! Thanks for your amazing blog----- Many blessings

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