As I mentioned, I've been on a mad organizing (and, inadvertently, redecorating) spree. Since most of our focus was on the wedding over the last 2+ years, we've really neglected our house to do list and I'm excited to get back to focusing on it going forward. We're in this weird place where we're deciding whether it makes sense to sell our house and move on, or continue pouring money into our current house and stay for the long(er) haul. I lean towards the former and the hubs towards the latter, but either way I'm itching to do some house related things so I'm proceeding as best I can using as little money as possible while we decide.
The inspiration that has been driving my recent efforts is what I like to call the "rustic glam" look. Mirrored pieces mixed with rustic wood, more modern items pieced together with items that exude character and history, California chic meets European sensibility and tons of texture and mixed metals are calling my name!
This look is more difficult to pull together than it would seem, though, so I'm slowly but surely wrapping my head around getting the look without spending too much or having it come across as hodge podge. I think the key is having at least 2-3 "hits" of each variety (modern, glam, rustic, etc.) so everything has something play off of but also something to relate to, and having a neutral backdrop to provide the eye a chance to rest. Here are some images that have been inspiring me:
via - couldn't find original source, but please share if you know! |
Gorgeous no? Stay tuned to see how I am trying to achieve this look in our home!